Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Kids In the Kitchen" Goes to College!

Okay, I haven’t had the opportunity to check in here for a few days, for that I apologize. And I am really sorry that I haven’t posted the gumdrop cookie recipe. We’ve had a lot going on with the holiday and all.

Last Saturday, we were scheduled to provide a petting zoo for a church family picnic/egg hunt at Newcastle, Oklahoma. We were ready to load up when we discovered something had happened to the transmission fluid in the van we were taking! We did end up going, but without animals.

Of course, Sunday was Resurrection Day and we had a lot of company throughout the day. Then Monday I became ill (gall bladder didn’t care for what I had eaten!). So now, I am recuperating and beginning to feel much better.

I do have news!! This summer we will be teaching “Kids In the Kitchen” at ECU (East Central University) through their Continuing Education Department. We are very excited at being excepted and will be posting updates concerning the class from time to time.

This is also ECU’s Centennial celebration, 1909 ~ 2009. So, we are excited to be a part of the Centennial activities and hope to be able to contribute something special during this time.

I will try to be back to post something “good” in a day or two. For now, food doesn’t sound all that great. I’m sure I will recover shortly!

‘Til next time,

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